Monday, April 20, 2009

Rock Climbing

Yesterday was my rock climbing field trip. It was a lot of fun and i would totally do it again. Here are a few pictures.

A little bit of family

So I tried to get these pictures and videos up the other day, but my computer was not letting here they are now...just a little bit of family for you.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Back to the 80's

Yesterday Tiani and I went to an 80's rock concert party. The band Dirty Penny was on tour and their first stop was Chico. Here is a video of one of their songs.

So, Tiani's friend Riley told us that this was a big deal and that everyone always dresses we dressed up. I am talkin head to toe we looked good. Haha....and we got there and NO ONE was dressed up except us and maybe one or two guys. We felt like we were punked or something. But I guess usually everyone is dressed up, but it was really cold outside. We toughed through it.